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Knowing You (The Jade Series #2) Page 2

  An hour goes by and I’ve read the same paragraph in my book at least 20 times. I can’t concentrate. Between the phone and that letter, there are too many distractions in my room that keep me from focusing on homework.

  After another hour of attempted reading, I give up and go to bed. I look up at the sparkly blue lights that Garret gave me, noticing the soft glow they add to the room. They only make me miss him more.

  I hate that I miss him this much. I promised myself I would never get this attached to someone. And I kept that promise until I met Garret. Now I know why I made the promise in the first place. Getting that attached to people only makes it hurt that much more when they leave. And they always leave.

  I lie there unable to sleep, gazing up at my lights. After a while, I glance at the clock. 2 a.m. Great. I have class in 6 hours. I need at least 7 hours of sleep just to function. I toss and turn, trying to find a more comfortable position. If Garret were here in bed with me I’d be able to sleep. That’s another thing we’d never do again. Sleepovers in his room. We just had one last night. And now he’s gone. How can everything change so much in just 24 hours?

  As I’m thinking about that, the phone rings. The sound of it makes me practically jump out of my skin. It’s so loud in the silent room. It rings again. I get out of bed and stare at it as if doing so will make it stop. It doesn’t.

  Who the hell calls at 2 a.m.? The phone keeps ringing. I swear it sounds ten times louder at night than during the day. Maybe 100 times louder. It’s so damn loud. I’m surprised people aren’t pounding on my door telling me to make it stop.

  It continues to ring but there’s no way I’m answering it after what happened earlier. What if it’s that creepy guy again? Maybe he’s calling to scare the shit out of me because I didn’t burn that letter. If so, it’s working. I’m practically shaking. The phone keeps ringing. How many freaking times is it going to ring? It has to stop eventually. It finally does.

  Panic hits me as I consider the fact that it could have been Ryan calling. Frank could be sick. He could be in the hospital again. Or worse. Shit! I should’ve answered it. I consider calling Ryan but if it wasn’t him calling, then overprotective Ryan would worry to death about whoever actually was calling me at such a late hour and I’d never hear the end of it.

  I wait for the phone to ring again because if it was Ryan, he’d call back. But the phone remains quiet so I get back in bed, pulling the covers over my head. I finally fall asleep a couple hours later.

  The next few days I feel as dark and gray as the weather outside. It’s early November, but it feels more like winter than fall. At least in Connecticut it does.

  I’ve been trying to move on and pretend that last Sunday morning never happened, but it’s all I can think about. Garret doesn’t show up to English class on Tuesday, which makes me wonder if his dad will make him go to a different school just to get away from me. Or like I told Harper, maybe his dad will take my scholarship away and I’ll have to go back to Iowa. That’s actually the more likely scenario.

  Every night I continue to get the calls. It’s always after midnight and it always freaks me out. I called Ryan on Monday and he said Frank was doing great, so I know it’s not him calling. That means it has to be that guy who threatened me. The guy is probably watching me. It scares me to think that I’m being watched but I don’t know what to do about it.

  It’s Thursday night and I’m exhausted. I’ve barely slept all week because of those stupid phone calls. My lack of sleep is starting to affect my school work. Earlier today I almost completely forgot about my English quiz. Luckily Harper reminded me about it at breakfast, giving me a little time to study.

  Like clockwork, around 2 a.m. the phone rings. I suddenly realize I could just unplug it from the wall. I’m such an idiot sometimes. Why didn’t I think of that earlier? I get out of bed and go over to the ringing phone. Just as I’m ready to pull the cord from the wall, I get this sudden urge to answer it. I have no idea why. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s due to my lack of sleep the past few days. I’m delirious now.

  I drop the cord and stand there, staring at the ringing phone. Then I answer it, my heart beating like crazy.

  “I know it’s you! What the hell do you want? Yeah, I still have the letter. So what are you gonna do about it? Kill me? Is that what you’re gonna do? Over some stupid letter?”

  The words spill from my mouth. I’ve somehow lost all fear and am now confronting this person, who most likely will kill me.


  I almost drop the phone. I fumble with it, then manage to get a grip on it and put it back to my ear.

  “Jade, is that you?”


  “What the hell is going on there?”

  “What are you doing calling me?”

  “I wanted to talk to you. I needed to talk to you.”

  “So you decided to call me at 2 in the morning?”

  “I’m sorry about the time but my dad’s been with me constantly so I had to call when he was asleep. And he only sleeps about three hours a night.”

  “What do you mean your dad’s been with you? He doesn’t leave your side now?”

  “He hasn’t since he showed up at my room Sunday. He made me go to this big conference the company has every year down in Houston. We left Sunday night. We fly back tomorrow. But I swear, it’s been nonstop meetings and golf outings and client dinners. He never gives me a break. It doesn’t matter. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m so sorry about all of this, Jade. He made me leave with him after you left my room. And then he took my phone.”

  “So have you been calling me every night?”

  “Yes. I’ve been using the phone in the hotel lobby. I had to go to the gas station next to the hotel and buy one of those prepaid calling cards. It’s so ridiculous. Anyway you didn’t answer until tonight and I was totally freaking out. Are you okay? Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”

  “Because you called in the middle of the night, that’s why. I thought it was a prank call.”

  “You answered the phone just now like you knew who it was. And you sounded really pissed off.”

  “I was yelling because I thought it was some kid playing a joke. That’s all.”

  “You asked if the person was going to kill you. Why would you say that?”

  “I’m really tired. I don’t even know what I was saying. Just forget it.”

  “Stop trying to hide shit from me, Jade. Tell me what’s going on.”

  “Nothing’s going on.”

  “Is someone threatening you?”

  I don’t answer. I want to tell him, but I don’t want him involved in this, especially if the mystery caller is serious about his threats.

  “Jade. Answer me. Is someone threatening you?”

  “Um, no. I mean, this guy called and it kind of freaked me out but—”

  “Shit! He threatened you, didn’t he? Tell me what he said.”

  “It doesn’t matter what he said. There’s nothing you can do.”

  “What does he want from you, Jade?”

  I hesitate, but I can hear the worry in Garret’s voice and I know he’s not going to let this go until I tell him. “He wants me to get rid of that letter from my mom. And not to tell anyone what was in it.”

  “And if you don’t, then what?”

  “He made it sound like something bad might happen to Frank and Ryan.” My voice is shaking just saying it.

  “And what about you? Did he say he’d hurt you?”

  “Not specifically. He just said—” Now my hands are shaking, too. “He said they’re watching.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Sunday. Right after your dad showed up. I went down to my room and the phone rang. I thought it was Frank, but it was this weird guy with a really deep voice.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “Nothing. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “What happened to the letter?”

  “I still have it.”

  “Why didn’t you get rid of it?”

  “I don’t know. I guess because it’s the only thing I have from my mom. And she said stuff in it, besides the stuff about what happened to her. She said she—” I almost cry saying it. I clear my throat. “She said she loved me. She actually wrote that in the letter. She never said that to me. Ever.”

  “Jade, I understand why you want to keep it, but I’m telling you to just get rid of it.”

  “But I shouldn’t have to. I don’t even know who this person is. Maybe it’s some kind of joke.”

  “Did he sound like he was joking?”

  “No. He sounded creepy. It scared the crap out of me.”

  “Shit! I’m so sorry I left you like that. And now I’m stuck in Houston. I’ll come over as soon as I get back tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, right. Like your dad’s gonna let you come see me.”

  “I don’t care what he does to me. He can take my trust fund and everything else I have. I can’t let him run my life anymore. I was going to refuse to go on this trip, but when we got to the house on Sunday, my grandfather was there. My dad had already told him I was going and my grandfather was so happy I was going with them that I backed down and went. But the trip is over now. And from now on, I’m not letting my dad tell me what to do.”

  “Your dad will just keep showing up here.”

  “I’ll talk to him. I’ll get him to stop.”

  “And how do you think you’re gonna do that?”

  “He has secrets he doesn’t want getting out. And normally I don’t like to use that shit against people, but if he wants to play it this way, then I guess that’s how it’ll be.”

  “You’re going to blackmail your own father?”

  “We don’t call it that. My dad calls it persuasion. Or negotiation. He does it all the time. I’m just doing what he taught me.”

  “I don’t know, Garret. You might just piss him off more.”

  “Don’t worry about him.”

  I hear loud voices on Garret’s end of the phone, followed by even louder laughter.

  “I should you let you go. It sounds like there’s a bunch of people around you.”

  “They just came in from outside. They’re on the elevator now.” He waits for it to get quiet again. “Jade, I want you to be careful. Don’t go running on the trails by yourself. Or even on the track. And don’t go out at night, especially alone. Stay in groups. Don’t go anywhere by yourself.”

  “I’ll be fine. Now that I know it’s you who’s been calling, maybe I don’t need to worry. Maybe it was nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing. I told you before. People who have secrets that can’t get out will do anything to hide those secrets.”

  “Okay, you’re freaking me out again. Don’t talk about it. I’d like to at least get a few hours sleep tonight. I haven’t slept all week.”

  “Sorry. I shouldn’t have been calling so late. And now I feel even worse knowing you’ve been thinking it’s some guy calling to threaten you again.”

  “It’s okay. I should’ve just answered the phone.” I pause, not wanting to say goodbye. “Well, I guess I’ll see you later.”

  “I’m not ready to hang up. I miss you, Jade.”

  I smile. “Yeah. I miss you, too. But you can’t sit in the lobby all night.”

  “Why not? It’s a nice lobby.”

  “Oh, yeah? Tell me about it.”

  “Well, it’s got this huge chandelier in the center . . .”

  We continue to talk. I don’t even care what he says. I just want to hear his voice. It’s the first time in days I’ve been able to relax. When we hang up, I’m finally able to fall asleep.


  Friday morning, I wake up excited that Garret is coming back. Then I remember all the other times he’s told me he’d tell his dad to back off and my excitement fades. He keeps saying he won’t listen to his dad and then he does. It’s frustrating. I don’t understand his situation so it’s hard for me to know if he’s really trying that hard. If I didn’t like him so much I would’ve told him to get lost months ago.

  I go to morning classes then meet up with Harper for lunch. She’s in a much better mood now. She’s already over Cole and ready to meet someone new.

  “You should come out with us tonight,” she says as she peels her orange. She’s such a healthy eater. Every day for lunch she has a huge salad and a couple pieces of fruit. Must be a California thing.

  “I’ve told you a thousand times I don’t like parties.” I look down at my lunch, which consists of a plate of French fries and a brownie. I really need to eat better.

  “I know, but you need to get out. It’s Friday night. I promise I won’t leave your side. We can just go to the party and talk. Maybe you can help me find a hot guy.”

  “Your other friends can help you with that. I’m not good at picking out guys.”

  “You picked Garret.” She drops her orange and reaches over the table, putting her hand on my arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up his name like that. I wasn’t even thinking.”

  She’s been avoiding any mention of Garret since our talk on Sunday. She’s all worried it will upset me.

  “It’s okay. You can say his name. I was just going to tell you that he called last night.”

  She looks annoyed. “Finally. After how many days? So what did he say?”

  “He’s been in Houston at some meeting for his dad’s company. They left on Sunday.”

  “And he couldn’t call and tell you that?”

  “He said his dad was with him the whole time and he couldn’t get away. But he’s been calling every night. I just haven’t answered the phone.”

  “Why wouldn’t you answer the phone?” She’s peeling her orange again and the strong citrus smell is interfering with the taste of my fries. I take a bite of my brownie, then push my tray away.

  “It was late at night. I thought it was a wrong number.”

  “Wrong number?” She says it like I’m crazy for even thinking that. I guess it would be odd for someone to keep calling the same wrong number every night. I need to get better at lying about this stuff. “So you finally answered and what did he say?”

  “Not much. He just told me about his trip. He’s coming back today. I’ll see him later.”

  “If you’re seeing him later then he must’ve worked this thing out with his dad. That’s good. You two can finally date.”

  “No. He hasn’t talked to his dad yet. He says he will, but he’s said that before.”

  “This sucks, Jade. I hate that his family is treating you like this. And I don’t like the way Garret says he’ll take care of it and doesn’t. I’m gonna have to have a talk with that boy.”

  “Harper, no. Don’t you dare! He’d kill me if he knew I told you that stuff. Just let me handle it.”

  She sighs as she takes her phone out to check the time. “So you’re going out with him tonight? Is that why you’re refusing to hang out with me?”

  “I don’t know what his plans are. But either way, I’m not going to a party.”

  “I still think you should go out and do something.” She gets up. “I have a quiz to study for. I’ll see you at dinner?”

  “I don’t know yet. Don’t wait around for me. Just go ahead and eat.”

  “If Garret blows you off tonight, call me. I’ll skip the party and we’ll do something else.”

  She leaves and I finish my brownie before heading to class.

  My only class on Friday afternoons is art history. It’s a great class for Fridays because it’s so easy. The tests are basically nothing more than memorizing stuff, which has always been a talent of mine. For today’s class, the professor must’ve needed some time off because she put in a DVD about famous painters and then sat at her desk. My mind wanders to Garret as the DVD plays. I’ve pretty much convinced myself that he won’t show up tonight.

  After class, I head back to my room. A cold sleet is falling
from the dark sky. Of course I forgot my umbrella and my class is way across campus. By the time I’m back in my room, I’m soaked and freezing. I change into dry clothes and towel off my hair. Then I grab a blanket and lie on my bed trying to get warm and end up falling asleep.

  I wake up to knocking sounds. The clock by my bed says it’s 6. I fell asleep at 3. How could I have slept that long?

  Assuming it’s Garret, I stop at the mirror quick to see how I look. It’s pretty bad. My sleet-soaked hair has dried into a knotted mess. I quickly pull it into a ponytail as the knocking continues.

  When I open the door, Harper is there with some of her tennis team friends.

  “Hey, Jade. We’re going to dinner. Do you want to come with us?” Harper looks behind me, trying to sneak a peek inside my room.

  “No, I’m not hungry.”

  “Is he here?” she whispers.

  “Not yet.”

  “Jade! Don’t wait around for him.”

  “I’m not. I fell asleep after class. I just got up.”

  “Just come to dinner with us. You don’t have to eat if you don’t want to.”

  I grab a sweatshirt and lock my door and the six of us head to the dining hall. The other girls Harper hangs out with aren’t as friendly as her but they’re still nice. They live in a different dorm but they join us for dinner now and then.

  After dinner, we all walk back to Harper’s room. Garret is standing there waiting at her door. I swear he gets better looking every time I see him. Or maybe it’s just because I haven’t seen him for almost a week. He has on dark jeans, a white polo shirt, and a brown leather jacket. He must have been out in the Houston sun because he has a golden brown tan that makes his eyes an even more vibrant shade of blue.

  “Jade. There you are.” He smiles and I can almost hear the girls around me sigh. It just confirms that he looks even better than normal. Must be the tan.

  “Did you just get here?” I ask, trying to remain cool. I don’t want to be one of those girls who acts overly eager to see a guy, especially when other girls are watching.